On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 08:04:52 +0200
Wolfgang Eichberger <oe5ewl at gmail.com> wrote:
Same situation here (Austria). I'm looking for an
affordable analyzer for
quite some time already, but often run into units without pods.
In 1998 I got may
hands on a Dolch Logic Instruments LAM4850A logic
analyzer. -- Without pods, das usual. I phoned the support of the
company and eventually a kind person emailed me the pinout of the pod
connectors. Basicly it was -5.2 V and 5 V ECL / TTL supply voltage,
threshold voltage, GND and four differential ECL inputs for the
signals. I ordered the last dozend TTL to ECL level shifter ICs that a
supplier had in stock and build my own pods. Now I am limited to
(LS)TTL imput levels, but that is all I need. Maybe somthing similar is
possible for the HP units.
BTW: I am looking for active probes for my HP 54720D DSO. I have three
54712A Y-plugins with fixed 50 Ohm inputs. Probes like the 54701A are
available, but to expensive at around US$ 150. I can build something
myself, but I need schematics. Designing somthing that can do an
impedance transformation fom 1 MOhm to 50 Ohm at DC to at least 1 GHz
is far bejond my skils.