On Fri, 31 Aug 2012, Liam Proven wrote:
On 31 August 2012 23:00, geneb <geneb at
deltasoft.com> wrote:
Even worse - in 17 years of using Windows, I've never had a problem that
wasn't self-inflicted. Not. One. Problem.
Wow. What, you've /never/ had a BSOD or anything? Not one?
The only BSODs I've had were due to beta video drivers (self-inflicted)
and I ran into a flakey 4GB DRAM stick a few years ago.
Then again, in
the 20+ years of using Unix & Unix-like systems, the same
thing holds true. :)
I've seen kernel panics on Linux, but only a /looooooong/ time ago -
Red Hat 4.2 on SPARC, I think. I've seen the kernel "oops" recently,
but it kept running & there was no data loss.
I've seen two panics now that I think about it. Once on a .99 something
version of Linux and once on a new build of NetBSD for the MicroVAX II I
had at the time. I wasn't able to repeat either one unfortunately.
I've seen my iPhone (3GS, iOS 5.1.1) freeze and
spontaneously reboot.
I've wanted to throw my iPad at times. That damn Safari browser will fall
over and die at the first harsh word.
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[Cipher in a.s.r]