> IBM had people who were really worried about
noise, hence wouldn't put a
> meaningful fan in the box. That little thing in the PSU (which dies more
> often than any other single component in any PC)
Not to doubt your word, but as owner of a small PC
repair shop, my experience
(and records) would suggest that the following components have a higher
failure rate than power supplies or their fans. In order from highest
failure rate:
1) modems -- extremely susceptible to spikes -- our
most common repair
Modemfailure due spikes ? Just out of couriosity - do you still
have telegraph like overhead single wire telephone connections
and no protective devices in your area ? (Thats just the only
way I can imagine to become the modems into #1 failing devices)
(Just back from Oslo)
Traue keinem Menschen der 5 Tage blutet und immer noch nicht tod ist.