I stumbled upon an old photograph showing a model
wearing a miniskirt
with a BMC Mini. Egad, that was a homely car!
To go totally off-topic. there was a version of the Mini (car) with an
automatic transmission. The transmisison was built in the engine oil
sump, and used the engine oil as the hydraulic fluid. Apparently it
didn't work all that well, but I think it's amazing they got it to work
at all...
[FWIW, the full, official Mini workshop manual is on my bookshelf...]
So, were there any micro-minicomputers? Midicomputers? And more to
Ias a 'MIDIcomputer' a computer with a certain current-loop serial
interface? You know, like the Atari ST ? (Sorry, could NOT resist)
the point, which was more exciting? The miniskirt or
You'rs asking _that_ on classiccmp? Well, cosnidiering I own between 10
and 20 minicomoputers and not one miniskirt I would think the answer for
me is obvious. Now, if you want to ask about what you find inside a
minicomputer .vs. what you find inside a miniskirt, well, that's a
different question. But I think I'd still go for the former...
I was thinking about the commonly used definitions of 'minicomputer' and
'microcomputer. As with all such divisions, there are grey areas.... For
example :
What do you consider the DPP11/23 and PDP11/73 to be? (Remember the CPU
is a small number of custom LSI chips).
And what about the Pro 350 and Pro 380 machines. Point being, they're
desktop boxes abotu the size of a PC, but have the same CPU chips as the
11/23 and 11/73 (F11 and J11 chipsets)
And what about my favourite, the HP9830? It's a desktop all-in-one
machine. But the CPU is lots of small chips. There are 4 boards which are
often considered to be the CPU boards, conitaing about 20 chips each,
mostlu TTL, but with 9 256*4 PROMs. And there are some bits of the CPU
(such as the memroy address and data registers) on other PCBs in the
machine/ So perhaps 100 chips for the CPU in total, the most complex
being things like dual 8-bit SISO shift registers, or the PROMs. By most
defintions. that's a minicomputer, but it sure feels strange calling it