On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 09:48:53 -0700 Marvin <marvin(a)rain.org> writes:
Isn't it also odd how the people with these
"deep pockets" also seem
to get
a lot accomplished? You might want to look at that correlation and
see what
it means.
Okay, if you want to take that tack on the subject, let's go:
So you're saying that only the rich and powerful are *worthy* of
a such as noble endeavor such as ours?
So your saying: "Sorry, if you can't pay, you don't deserve to play".
What a crock of shit. Accomplish what!?! All it means to me is,
is that some guys can delude themselves into thinking that if they
pour money into something, they can call it a hobby. They haven't
go it. The only way to really appreciate what we do here (well,
what *I* do anyway) is to get your "hands dirty" with this stuff.
Maybe you can pay someone to do the work for you, but you're
kidding yourself.
See comment #1. Those "priviledged few" are
generally the people
that get
things done and manage their resources wisely. Personally, I would
not want
someone without the ability to manage having any control over my
Oh, okay, so you're saying that if we can't pay the increasing
cost of admission, we're deadbeats, is that it?!?! Try to tell
that to the retired folks who have fixed incomes. Try to tell
that to schoolkids who now equate computer=Wintel, and don't
know that something existed before. Yeah, we're going to pass
this all on, right? Yeah, when we're all dead, and there no
one around to tell the story . . .
Now as a matter of fact, I don't give a rat's ass about your
collection. What you do with it is *your* business. What I *do*
care about though, are the poor stiffs who would like to pursue
computing as a hobby, but will instead have to find something
else to do, because the prices are out of sight.
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