::> :: Although, not specifically an operating
system, Forth
::> ::can be used as an operating system. The normal disk
::> Is there a good introduction to Forth anywhere? Web preferred.
Hmm, but that seems more a collection of links. I found a few papers
but they assumed some Forth knowledge already, which I don't have (I
don't even know the basic syntax). Any help appreciated :-)
Easy, Forth is kind of like APL. I forget the details and how variables
were handled, but its basically like this;
Fraggle; defined as some sequence of code.
Rraggle; defined as some other sequence.
Then in your program you could define
End Graggle
Anything you define gets executed when the name is referenced.
I used to forth around a bit on a AIM65. Rockwell was big into Forth at
least for a bit. Dandy control language IMNSHO.