I have a motherboard on my bench at work, at this
very moment,
resting on disposable chopsticks.
When I was repairing My HP9836CU, I put the motherboard on top of the
monitor (!).
The standard layout of the machine makes it quite difficult to work on,
especially the video boards, which are hidden under the left-hand disk
drive. And you can guess where the first fault I looking for was...
Anyway, I had everything out of the casme anyway. I put the monitor on
the bench and put the motherboard ont top of it (fortunately the monitor
has a flat, plastic top). The video cable would jjust rraach. I then
cvonencted the video boards to their ribbon cable and to the coaxial cabl
to the vido output conenctor. Fitted the CPU board nad one memroy board
in the I/O backplane slot, components facign forwards (this works fien
for testing, it avoids using the I/O backplane and having an memory board
flopping arround with no guides to support it). THe PSU board when nto
its backplane conenctor, I connected a home-made cable to the input card
edge, the other end to my bench PSU.
I didn't bother with the keyboard or disk drives to start with.
Anyway,I could power up the machien like that and easily put the logic
analyser o nteh graphics board. It didn;t take long to find the fualty