Sorry to hear about your father. I remember you saying he was not well a
while ago.
Alas yes. He had been bedridden for almsot a year and had been in and out
of hospital for most of that time (most in hospital). I wanted nothing
more than for him to get up, come home, and enjoy his intereests again,
but alas that wasn't to be.
Funnily enough, although my collection is far more modest, I have been
thinking about this a little bit too just lately as I need to make a will. I
think my preference would be a serious collector interested in keeping the
machines running (or getting them to run where I have failed), but I am
Yes. I actualyl know a serious collector who shares enough of my
interests (not just classic computers) to be able to sort out all my
stuff and know what is worth keeping, what he would want ot keep himself,
and so on.
My problem is that said colelctor is abotu the same age as I am. So it's
not at all certain that I will pass away first (and that's not to mention
the posibiltiy of accidents). So I want a 'backup' -- somebody or some
body that will be around in 30 years tiem and who would take over my
stuff, sort it out, keep and restore some fo it and pass on the rest to
others who are interested.
It appesrs, though, that such orgnaisations do not exist.
interested in any suggestions. My fear with museums is
that they would just
go into storage and never be seen or appreciated again. My particular
THat is _one_ of my dislikes of museums too.
dilemma is that I would like at least something to
remain in the family, but
I have no family...
I don't know whether I should encourage my
children to sell or give away the
rest since a fair proportion of what I have was given to me, although I have
bought some items. One thing is for sure, I am going to stipulate that
nothing should be just thrown away.
I am quite happy t o give the lot unconditionally to a clueful person or
organisation. On the grounds that hey will realise that a dozen BBC
micros is excessive amd that soem can be gvien away (athought the one
with SCSIFS is perhaps a bit rarer...), but that classic PERQs are not
that common and PERQ 2T4s are, well,....