Hi All.
I'm taking my first stumbling steps into the world of VAXen
and VMS. Before I sink my teeth in the bigger machines I
have, I've decided to see if I can get my VAXStation 4000/90A to run.
It seems mostly okay, I can boot the VMS cd I have. But there
is one message that concerns me. During the self test I get this:
?? 000 8 SYS 0512
That last number is not hex, if I type the following
>> show err
I get
?? 000 8 SYS 0200
And I guess 0200 is hex.
Either way, in the manuals I have found, I can read that the
test for device number 8 is checking the systems ROMs and
that this indicates a checksum or read error. The error code
shown is not listed in the manuals. Should I worry about
this? Can it be remedied?
I imagine that reflashing the prom would fix it, and I don't
remember reflashing being all that tricky; but I hesitate
to recommend something that may prove somewhat tricky to
fix 9remotely) should it happen to fail!