Done correctly, using the right compression dies and
tools, crimped
connections are always far more secure and reliable both mechanically and
electrically than soldered connections. However, the correct tools (not
I might question the 'far' here, but I have heard that crimp connections
are very relaible _if done properly_.
The last is the importnat point. I feel that a well done solder or crimp
conneciton will beat a poorly done one of the others. And a well done
crimp conenction means the right size crimp conencotrr, the right
crimping dies, the correct tool to hold them, and so on. It does not mean
the average DIY shiop crimping tool.
And I am darn suroe of one thing. Even if a soldered connection is less
reliable on paper than a crimped connection, a well-soldered connection
in your classic computer is not going to be a major source of