Bob Rosenbloom wrote:
I had one drive soaking in a bucket for three days
now. Still hard as rock. I'm pretty sure the bugs are long dead, probably 15 or more
years ago. They are like Jay said, a mass with tubes through it, water poored out of the
tubes when I removed the drive from the bucket. I'll try the steam or WD40 ideas this
weekend and see what happens.
I've rebuilt 2 motorcycles where the damned things had nested in the
cylinder fins, and one of them had a nest in a carburetor.
Just keep soaking it. Mud daubers secrete a "binder" that's very
water-resistant, but it's organic and in the end it's water soluble.
I've tried gasoline on them, and it doesn't work as well as water. The
steam cleaner suggestion sounds reasonable, if you have access to one.
What *will* help a lot, if you have a steady hand, is grinding off as
much of the nest as you feel is safe with a Dremel tool. Then what I
did was soak it a day or 2, go at it with a hard brush, and soak it some