From: ard at
Subject: Re: Commodore Pet 2001-8 w/flaky brightness adjustment
To: cctalk at
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 19:47:55 +0100
I have a working Pet 2001-8 that has one annoying issue. When I power up =
the unit I typically don't see any characters displayed unless I apply a sl=
ight amount of pressure on the back of the brightness control in the back o=
f the monitor. I suspected bad solder joints but couldn't see anything wr=
ong. Turning the control brightens the screen but somehow this control is =
causing the character display to turn on/off. Any ideas what might be goi=
ng on here?
Well, it could be a dry joint, but the other obvious poissiblilty is that
the brightness control itself is worn and that the wiper is not making
good contact wit hthe carbon track.
Have you tried giving it a short of contact cleaner (propan-2-ol, for
I'll be giving this a try tonight and will post an update. Hopefully it'll do the