found a mint looking osborne 1 today local computer recyler they had not
even looked at it yet so i managed to get it for decent price got it home
opened it up found some cpm disks nice little bonus and a mint looking
i tried firing it up and it powers up for fraction of a second when it trys
to do its power on beep and dies. << see here what its doing (my ipod tuch sure
is usefull)
i'm guesing its the power supply but want to make sure befor i tare it
apart. i've got another one that does weird things that also needs
The only way to know if the PSU it OK is to cvheck the output voltages.
You may find soem of them on external connectors (for exxample the
keyboard connector), but it's often easier to take the machine apart and
chack at the PSU connectors.
Personally, I would never power up an unkopwn machine without taking it
apart and doing a visaul inspaction of the insides followed by chekcign
the PSU on dummy load But anyway...
servicing but one of the face plate screws is striped
so unable to get it
open to look..
That's what drills are for :-)