Yesterday I picked up one of my more unusual finds, a Beehive MicroB
terminal that looks like it's new in the box. See pictures at
"" through
"". You can see in
picture b7 that it was still sealed up in a plastic bag inside the box.
Does anyone want this? I don't need it and I don't have room to keep
it. I powered it up today and it appears to work. You can see in the last
picture that it does have a raster and cursor. I don't have a systemn that
uses a terminal so I can't test it beyond that. The screen is normal but
the camera frooze the raster in mid sweep so it appears that only half the
screen has a display. Again, the screen is ok and it does have a full
screen display. Youcan see the cursor in the top LH corner above the
highlighted portion of the screen. If anyone is interested in it, contact
me directly. It's located in central Florida. The buyer pays shipping and a
modest amount for my time.