But in general what does the IBM 5150/5160=
specific BASIC rom do regarding addressing specific h/w? That's the crux o=
f the matter I guess. If I could run TI Pro GW-BASIC on my XP laptop (sever=
al years ago) to whatever degree, something tells me BASIC accesses the h/w=
via BIOS or DOS calls.
Unfortunately (and perhaps obviously) the BASIC ROM source listings were
never released, and the TechRefs say very little about what ROM BAIC
actually dows.
I guess one approach would be to saech the ROM BASIC for driect I/O
instructions (there must be some, if only for the BASIC statements that
allow a user program to directly access I/O ports) and also software
interrupts. If there are plenty of the latter and few of the former, it's
a good bet it'll run on BIOS-compatible clones (as opposed to running on
only hardware-compatible clones).