Brent Hilpert wrote:
Sellam Ismail wrote:
A straight-8 has come up for sale. I am representing the seller. I have
photos and details. If you're interested please e-mail me and I'll send
over some information.
Preliminary photos are here:
We'll take opening offers and if there's one good enough then we'll cut to
a straigt (8) sale. Otherwise, it'll move on to a VCF web auction at a
future date.
Two questions of no great consequence:
1. Why does the flip-chip extender appear to extend only half the pins?
Skip this one, I looked at a couple of flip chips I have and see the edge
connectors are single sided, so all the pins can be accounted for on the extender.
2. How did Humphrey Bogart get in there?
Or is it straight-8 -> treasure -> happy?