On 2/18/10, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
On Feb 18, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
> building_a_cpm_68k_computer_from_sc.html
Yep, looks like a 68008. Cool stuff!
Yep. We designed a 68008-based COMBOARD follow-on product back in the
day, but it never got past the prototype stage (CPU, 32K SRAM, 64K
ROM, Z8530, timer). I still have one or two of the CPUs from that
I don't recognize the MC68901 he's using, though.
P.S. - this project revives, yet again, my occasional interest in
hacking a COMBOARD into something less "embedded" - I usually get
stuck at the same stage - whether to hack in a 5380 SCSI chip or a
TTL-based "IDE" interface. COMBOARDs have serial, but no "disk", so
they'd need _something_ (they already have between 32K and 2MB of RAM,
depending on the model - I have piles of working boards with 128K of
DRAM and a COM5025 USART, smaller piles of other models).