Is it some kind
of "Super CGA" that wasn't really supported by anyone?
I know some game companies "tweaked" certain memory registers or something
so that standard CGA could do 320x200x16 colors, but as far as I'm aware,
there was only 320x200x4 and 640x400x2 for CGA, 640x400x16 for EGA, and of
course 320x200x256 for MCGA. (The latter was what my Compact IBM PS/2 Mac
wannabe had)
I never heard of 320 x 200 x 16 for the CGA - I seem to remember 160 x
200 x 16 - surely it would not have had the memory for the other?
The CGA never did 640 x 400 x 2 that I ever heard of - I assume that was
a typing error for 640 x 200 x 2.
The EGA did 640 x 200 x 16 on a CGA monitor, 640 x [was it 400 or was it
350] x [a number of colours dependent on the memory installed] on an EGA
monitor, and even did 640 x 350 x 3 (I think) on an MDA monitor.
I also once saw a demonstration on a CGA card that changed colours in
real time faster than the scan rate and so gave more colours than you'd
But I digress. What was the question again? :-)