I want a true 1024x768 or better pixels, optical zoom, then it gets
technical on which storage formats and connections it supports. A Kodak
DC265 looks pretty nice, but I don't want to spend that much and prices are
dropping, so I am waiting.
BTW keep in mind for an extra $15 or so you can request a photoCD when you
develope most rolls of film, or just scan prints yourself.
Yes, i'm strongly considering 1280x960 or 1280x1024 capable, optical zoom
capable, for around the low $300's. I cant understand why people are
paying a fortune for 640x480 with 10x zoom, instead of getting the
higher resolutions with 3x zoom.
You also need to realize that my polaroids always come out looking blurry
and crappy, and my regular photos look blurry and less crappy :) So
when it comes to photography i'm pretty inept.
Say, that reminds me... does anyone want to trade anything for a real
collectors item, a Kodak Handle camera from the 70's. Back when Kodak
invented the instant color camera, which Polaroid then stole away from
them... too bad you cant get film for that camera anymore..
-Lawrence LeMay