Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:35:42 +0000> From: witchy
at> To: cctalk at> Subject: Re: Who keeps
buying DECTalks?> > On 11/11/07 22:18, "Jason T" <silent700 at> wrote:> > > So I like early speech synthesis. I like DEC stuff.
I've got a> > couple forms of the DECTalk boxes (the portable, the ISA card.)
I'd> > like the DTC-01 unit, the one that sort of looks like a VX2000> >
terminal. They come up on ebay every other week or so and end up> > selling for well
over $100.> > > > Who's buying these things? Are they popular with
collectors? Or are> > they still being used in the disability care industry?>
> I used to do field service for the DEC stuff at Alcan in the UK, they were a> big
DECtalk user so maybe they still are? I wouldn't mind one either but I'm> just
biding my time and assuming one is going to fall out of the sky in> front of me :)>
> Also, didn't the DTC-01 use the same case as the VT240, DECmux, DEREP and>
DEREN?> > -- > Adrian/Witchy> Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator> - the UK's biggest private home computer> collection?
Yes, the DTC-01 has the same case as the VT240 ... I have both of them.
And yes, the DTC-01 was/is popular. I remember I bought my DTC-01 also on
eBay a few years ago for $150. That seemed fair to me. The shipping cost from
the US to The Netherland bit me. Even worse, Customs picked my parcel out
of all the stuff, and I had to pay taxes. Not over the $150, but I also had to
pay taxes over the shipping cost! The bastards!