On 2015-Jul-10, at 9:33 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
On 7/10/2015 7:45 PM, Brent Hilpert wrote:
On 2015-Jul-10, at 5:39 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
That's the rear of a 70s
colour TV, the stuff on the side looks like either/both convergence control or an early
electronic tuning system with individual channel tuning.
Actually, it looks like a Heathkit with the plug-in modules along the rear chassis, the
manuals on top look like the right colour with the little title window cut in the cover of
Heathkit manuals.
Here we go, compare:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/34737609 at N07/sets/72157613423708701
I think the estate one is an earlier model, probably early 70s, with the flickr-pics one
probably a couple years later.
The thing that made me ask was that the grey thing
was possibly a 1/4 or larger motor, and maybe it was some oddly skinned disk drive. Now I
see it.
I had a similar thought at first glance - thought it might be a drum housing - till I
noticed the IF coil cans and such and had to back off to something less exotic.
Then started to recognise it from looking at too many Heath catalogs as a kid.
My cousin built one of those and had the best workshop
TV in full color till his wife made him put it in a box in the living room. Great fun with
the controls that pulled out after that, but not near as fun as a 25" or so color tv
on your bench.
thanks for the info.
I will try to get there tomorrow, may call you, Brendan and let you distribute the Bytes.
I'm looking for a particular ad in the 70s thru 80's magazines and if I find it
that would be all I want to keep.