Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
Not at all, I just wanted to know what he didn't
like about them. The
only thing I dislike about VT420s is the non-removable power cables.
Huh? My VT420s have removable power cords...
William Donzelli <wdonzelli at gmail.com> wrote:
I do not like the VT420 due to MMJ, the relatively low
and that CRAP power switch on the front. The keyboards are nothing to
write home about either, but DEC keyboards rarely are.
Interesting, how different peoples view can be.
The VT420 have both DB25 and MMJ, so I can't see how that could annoy
anyone. (As do all DEC terminals from the VT220 onwards.)
However, MMJ is actually very nice. Too bad it didn't catch on outside
of DEC. But I try to use it for everything I can at home.
The power switch I can agree on. I don't fancy that slider.
Keyboards... I know people have very different opinions on those, but I
think the LK201 and LK402 keyboards are wonderful. I really dislike IBM
PC keyboards. Way too long key presses, and to much klickety klack. And
all the copies of them are even worse.
The VT100 keyboard is not a favorite, though. That one also have too
much travel when pressing a key.
No, I can't honestly think of a keyboard I like better than the LK201
and LK401.
And I really think they layout is way better than what IBM dreamt up.
The reliability of the VT420 seems to be pretty decent. I've had many
more VT320 fail on me. But we have to remember that we're talking about
20+ year old equipment now...
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol