It would help rather more to know what kind of printer it is. The fact
that it's a DECmate narrows down the range of possible printers somewhat,
but really isn't enough.
Although I'd strongly recommend that anyone still using a DECmate for real
work give some serious consideration to moving to something a bit more
modern, like WordStar on an IBM XT. The DECmate is a nice toy (I have
several), but if it breaks you're pretty much S.O.L. Several people have
written me asking if I could recover valuable data from their broken
DECmates, but they didn't feel like paying my consulting rates.
Hey DEC DECMATE folks!
The fellow whose msg is copied below is looking for some advice on
re-belting a DECMATE II. As I have neither experience nor manual on the
machine, I feel some of you may help instead as you're the types who really
Email directly to Bill. The machine is somewhere in Minnesota. Thanks muchly!
Regards, Chris
-- --
>Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:42:58 -0500
>From: wdoherty <wdoherty(a)>
>To: cfandt(a)
>Subject: decmateII
>My mother-in-law (you can see why this is important to me!) has a
>DECMATEII Cira 1983. The belt on the printer broke. DEC will sell her
>the belt but nobody knows how to put it on. can you recommend sites,
>collectors, or hobbyiests who may have this knowledge? She is also
>willing to sell to a collector.
>Thank you,
>Bill Doherty