Thanks to Doug Wood, I have added the ?Bill of Materials? list to our new V2 of the Z80
S100 bus CPU board. Thanks Doug.
It can be found at the bottom of this page:-…
I have also added the updated the schematics etc. for the new V2 board.
Andrew tells me mine are on their way. I will start on it right away and issue any updates
I have enlarged the Z80 ?Master.Z80? ROM monitor to incorporate the 4K page flipping
function and have added code to allow one to download ZModem files directly to RAM
(usually at 100H and from a PC) over a serial link. Will publish this once I test it
Stay tuned!
From: Doug Wood [mailto:whitbypilot at]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 12:09 PM
To: n8vem-s100 at
Cc: cctalk at; monahan at
Subject: Re: accepting pre-orders for the S-100 Z80 CPU V2 board
Hi Joe
I made a rough one from the board layout and the schematic.
I would think the board designers must have one.
I attached mine which is not fully complete but its a good start.
Doug Wood
On Friday, 24 January 2014 14:59:12 UTC-5, Joe Herdler wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find a bill of materials for this board?
Thank you much
Joe Herdler