I'm doing a bit of cleaning out of my collections (making space for a
Data Point 2200) and one thing I found was an early IDE interface. I
can't find out anything about where it came from and the silk screen
says "Rev 0.0" and the pal program version is V1.0
Date codes on the IC:s points to an early 1990 date for manufacturing.
I tried to find out some more about the development of the IDE interface
and the two dates I found was Compaq introduced the first computers with
IDE controllers in 1986 and the first standard was finalized in 1994,
putting my card in the middle of that span.
I put it on eBay to see if there is any interest for it and to show some
pictures of it.
Any one recognizing it? Is it just a generic card or does it belong to a
specific computer?