Further archeology has led me to the "PDP-11/45, 11/50 MOS Memory Troublshooting
Guide", the cover letter of which is quite amusing:
"...COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL, that is take [this guide] on site but do not let the
customer read it."
"Please do not send these to the Depot for repair!! Instead send them to me with all
the necessary paper work."
"This cover letter should not be kept with the guide; ..."
Oops on that last one :-) Somebody's job was on the line here one would guess.
This document is also great for have the most information compiled in on place that
I've been able to find so far on 11/45 ECOs! I've had a tough time trying to
track those down -- they don't seem to be included among the DEC-O-LOGs archived in
the usual places, and I haven't found anybody yet who has fiches or such containing