BUT, if
you're short on Desktop space, one really nice 21" multisync monitor
is your best friend. Well, that, X-Windows, and a digital KVM switch.
Remember all those beautiful big monitors take up a lot of space, generate a
lot of heat, and weigh a lot.
My 4 year old CTX 17" flaked out the other day, and my plan for a
replacement is a nice 3 or so year old Sun SVGA 21" with some sort of
second monitor, maybe a portrait or even a 21" greyscale (two monitors on a
mac, or more works seamlessly).
Any opinions on the Sun 20D10 monitors? or a E20E?
I also found a couple HP 1097C monitors I need to make a space for, but
can't use on the newer macs I don't think? (haven't tried my sync on green
adapter yet).
The question would be what can you run with? ISTR, that some of those newer
Sun monitors are quite friendly with PC's and Mac's. I've got my G4/450 on
the BNC side of a 21" Viewsonic P815, and my 8500/180 on the VGA side of a
Digital branded 17" (Trinitron Tube). I personally think the Trinitron
Tubes look the best wonce you get used to the the two wires going through
the picture you don't even notice them, and they seem sharper than my
Viewsonic. The main thing I look for in a monitor is that it has both BNC
and VGA inputs so I can easily/cheaply hook two computers up to it. Despite
the fact I like Trinitron Tubes, I did not like the Sony 19-20" monitor that I
had, as it made wierd popping noises.
The most important consideration would be, if it will support the system you
want to use it with. As for running a Dual Headed Mac, I'd love to! I've
used dual headed Sun's and HP's and it rocks! I believe at least one list
member is running a 9500 with 3 17" monitors!