"Vintage Computer Festival" <vcf at>
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, William Donzelli wrote:
> Hint: Software and manuals can be
shipped CHEAP using USPS
Be very careful - USPS is getting VERY strict
about the use of
Media> Rate and Printed Bound Matter Rate. Most people use Media
for any> printed matter, but by law, any document that shows even a
hint of> advertising or personal correspondence, even if from a 50
year old catalog> from a firm that no longer exists and written by
someone now dead, can NOT> go Media Rate. Period. No Slack.
Software is included in the Media Rate.
It is interesting that even a note attached to a pile
of documents can cause it to fail the media rate rule.
I have a stack, about 15 lbs, of copies that I wanted
to send and I had a note on top that said" Here are the
items you requested" or something similar. The postal
fellow saw that and was going to reject the media rate
based on that. I just removed the note.
It is funny that the note contained nothing more than
what an invoice would have. I guess rules are rules.