You should try the service manuals of the HP 1000F series interface cards.
You need the service manual of the HP-IB cards.
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at] Namens Christian Corti
Verzonden: vrijdag 22 januari 2010 14:25
Aan: cctalk at
Onderwerp: HP-IB Medusa chip
I'm trying to repair a HP260/30 which fails self-test at step
9 (HP-IB Programmed I/O test). It seems that the HP-IB
interface card is the cause.
There's a 1TL1-0001 HP-IB controller IC and I'd like to know
if it could be replaced with a 1TL1-0006. The other ICs are
all standard TTL (apart from the 74F403 FIFO memories and the
HP-IB bus drivers).
I know I've seen a pinout of the 1TL1 IC somewhere, but can't
remember where...