On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 13:49:28 -0500
Roger Merchberger <zmerch at 30below.com> wrote:
Rumor has it that Jochen Kunz may have mentioned these
There is no best Linux distribution.
Yes there is.
Build your own. Takes from a few days to a month or more, but then you can
build *just exactly what you want* with the compiler options that you want,
etc. Don't want X, don't build it. I can easily fit a non-X distro (with
all the other bells & whistles) in less than 512M, and wouldn't booting
from a cheap CF card be fun? ;-)
I can just install NetBSD or OpenBSD without choosing to install the big tarballs of X11
binaries. It will install in about five minutes from prebuilt binaries and be VERY
integrated and clean. I can easily fit a non-X install on an old 80M IDE drive.