Off the top of my head I do not know of a similar org here. There is
however the MassTech Core which is involved in getting computeres into
schools (internet based, so only 386 or higher need apply).
When I get PC's (286,386 and 486) with equipment I need I donate them to the
local Hospice group. Every year they run a huge flea market here and sell
them for anywhere from $100 to $400. How they get the prices they get I
have never been able to figure out other than they are nonprofit and a good
cause. A few years ago they were having to buy standard NEMA power cords
for systems that had been donated. When I found out I went out to my truck
and found a few loose ones. A couple months later I got several hundred
with a large lot of DEC equipment and they were very happy to get those as
The last couple years they have been tight on storage space so now they call
me when they are ready for some. This year they called as I was unloading a
bunch of PC's and trying to figure out what to do with them. Boy was I
happy they called.