Tony wrote....
As regards synchronous serial cards, comms processors
(DMCs, DMRs, etc),
and the like, I find them interesting. But then as I mentioned last week,
I am very much a hardware person.
Speaking of which....
I have one machine that talks sync serial out 4 wires that are designed to
go to a dedicated 56k leased line. I'd like to hook this up to an intel x86
PCI based machine via some card... and write code on the PC that talks to
the card (ie. so the PC is talking to the host). I was thinking a PCI sync
serial card would do, but that wouldn't take care of the 56k leased line
signal. I'm guessing I'd need a sync modem that supports 56K dedicated line,
and then run that to a PCI sync serial card in the PC? Unless there is such
a thing as a PCI sync modem card that supports dedicated 56k connection?
Anyone have this type of hardware around for trade?
Jay West