Key comments cluster... some of the notable clusters
in DEC fame was the
VIDEO cluster and the Royalt (all six chars max) (REX, pauper, pawn)
and of course Millrat(millrat, millstn, millrot) and the DEC-10 cluster
MARKET (this was a FTP site too).
Gee. Most interesting clusternode name I was responsible for was BOXER.
After the horse in Animal Farm. This machine was the batch job and printer
node, and they objected when I called it SLAVE. First VMS box I ever named
wound up with two names - Monalisa was its TCP name, and ABYSS was its decnet
name because of the 6 character limit in decnet. You get one guess each as to
what books I was reading and what movies I was watching at the time. :)
For reference, when I get it going, my 3100's name will be Tabby. As in It's sort of a running joke that all my servers have
cat names. :)
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?