Woohoo! I got my vs3100 running with the
hobbiest CD! Installed it on the
big hard disk too! Now I just have to find where I printed out the licence
before my PC ate itself.
My VS3100/m76 has been running it for two days... ;)
It's good ole VMS, and in my case an upgrade from 5.5 to 7.2... yeha I'm
modern again.
I'm hoping to get the vs3100 up here. I wish DEC had put BasicPlus
or whatever the Basic from VMS was for hobbiest use so we could really
show that Basic code can be done quite nicely on the Vax (and PDP's).
C and Pascal are ok -- but the Visual Basic folks need to see a real
nice basic in action.
Three things never anger: First, the one who runs your DEC,
The one who does Field Service and the one who signs your check.