Just to close the loop here (at least on this portion
of the repair) the
replacement transistor arrived today and after replacing it (and the
rubber o-rings) everything appears to be working smoothly, I'm able to
save and restore programs to/from cassette tape. Now
to find some
shorter cassette tapes, these 60-minute jobs I have seem excessive for
the task at hand ;).
The cassette needs to have a fairly refelctive plasic chell (white/light
coloured) for the EOT sensor t owork correctly. Light passes through the
clear tape leader and reflects off the cassette shell.
I beleive the correct cassetes have a 'digital' tape which has a
different coerciity to normal audiop recordign tape. Practically this
doesn't make that much difference.
As for the lenght. Assunming your ' 60 minute jobs' are what we used to
call C60s and haev 30 minutes of audio recording time on each side [1],
the length of the tape is about 280 feet. (30 minutes * 1.875 in/s). I
had an idea that the standard digital cassette was, in fact, a 300 foot
tape. So they may not be excessive.
[1] Of course the 9830 and 9865 record o nthe full width of the tape in
on go, you don;t turn the tape over to use the other side.
Next up: Repairing the mag strip reader and the printer.
Good luck :-). With the pritner in particualr there are a lot ofspall
parts -- circlips, washers, etc to go walkabout ;-)