Andrew Burton wrote:
The reason I am emailing the group, is because a power adaptor (wall wart) was sat
underneath the walkman and has some brown paint-like marks on it. I am assuming this is
from the battery and am wondering what is the safest way to clean it off without ruining
the adaptor.
It may already be ruined, but you can try an old toothbrush and a
solution of white vinegar followed by distilled water and lots of drying
- typically you can expect traces/contacts and other metal parts to have
been eaten away and damaged. This presumes that the battery was an
alkaline one - if so, the alkaline goo that seeped out of it probably
has already damaged components/traces in the adaptor. Now if the wall
wart was sealed well enough that nothing got in, no worries, otherwise,
might be easier to build another.