Which terminal
is best.
When I was in college, We liked Telerays, and hated the Perkins-Elmer
How about a GE TermiNET 300? *gd&r*
Was that a hard copy? The only HC's we had were Decwriters, and
an old daisywheel Diablo tucked away in a special room (you had to pay
$2/hr extra to use it)
Yep. It was a 300 baud band printer with a keyboard. It had two capstans
on either side of the printer with a rubber belt looped around them. The
belt held little metal fingers that had a letter on one end. When the
right letter would pass the right spot on the page, one of 132 little
hammers would whack the letter. It was pretty noisy, but impressive to
watch with the lid off. :)