On 12 Apr 98 at 15:08, David Wollmann wrote:
At 12:57 PM 4/12/98 PDT, you wrote:
Does anyone have an ESDI hard drive for a PS/2
Model 70? I have a
60, but want to replace it with a 120 (the other size the PS/2 came
with; I don't want to risk having an incompatible hard drive). I
don't know if others are compatible. However, this is a wide single
ribbon connector.
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PC Assist shows two drives compatible drives, the 60 and 120MB, both ESDI
Direct Bus Attach, MFM encoded. This applies to models A61, A21, B61, B21.
I wonder though if there aren't other ESDIs out there that will work as
long as they're DBA? You might check with MicroHaus (sp?) to see if they
have any larger cpacity NOS drives that will work. Just a shot in the dark.
Further to my earlier note :
Here's a quote from some correspondence I had from Peter Wendt
"' These "Integrated Harddisks" you most likely meant were used in Mod.
50, 55,
70 and P70. These are ESDI-drives with a combined electronic board underneath,
which is in fact a full MCA-adapter. The device has a Card-ID DF9F. In IBM-
technoslovakian this thing is called "DBA Harddrive", where DBA stands for
"Direct Bus Attachment". Size are 30,40,60,80,120 and 160MB. A 200MB was
available from Conner for some time but not as original part or OEM from IBM.
Very friendly greetings from Peter in Germany
"Master Of Desaster" - PS/2 expert since 1987 (Sigh !) ""
IIRC it was also possible to add other non-OEM drives. Check with Peter.
cxiao larry