On Apr 24, 2008, at 12:58 PM, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
Well for
Christmas, she showed up here with an Osborne-1 with
manuals, software, an external (green-screen) monitor, and an Epson
RX-80, including all cables, all in near-perfect condition!
Apparently she scored that system at a thrift store for something
like ten bucks. One can't argue with that.
Cool. Does it have the DD card and the Screen-Pac upgrade? I have
nontrivial amount of software for those...
Nope, no DD or ScreenPac, it's just a plain '1.
I remember selling Kaypro systems at an after-school job in the
mid-1980s. We pushed them pretty hard on the "much bigger display
than an Osborne 1" selling point. I still like the overall design of
the Osborne, though, especially the little cubby holes for floppies.
That's very handy.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL