> I turned on my Mac Classic today and found it was
almost dead.
Mono or Colour? If the latter, then you might be hearing the
coil (which runs straight off the mains), so the PSU
might not be
starting at all.
> because I can hear the smallest bit of CRT near-ultrasonic buzz --
> for a second -- and then nothing. I'm hoping
it's just a fuse --
If the fuse has blown, then there's a good reason for it (shorted
semiconductors in the mains side of the PSU?). But check it anyway.
Then see if any of the DC outputs from the PSU are pressent (check the
+5V line at the power pins of just about any chip on the logic board,
example). If not, then you've got a PSU problem.
It doesn't sound like
short on one of the outputs (this will normally make
the PSU 'tweet'
it starts up, detects the problem, and shuts down
again). Maybe the
startup resistor is open.
Thanks, Tony. I'll check these out right after I check the PRAM
battery. It is Colo[u]r.