Congratulations. Is it the original Lisa, the Lisa2
or the Lisa XL?
It's a Lisa 2. As I understand it, Lisa 1s are near-impossible to find
and Mac XLs (Lisa XLs) aren't all that common either. Heh. ANY Lisa is
a happy little score for me. I haven't gotten a new machine in a couple
MONTHS now. (never let school get in the way of your fun)
But as for the rest of your questions, I don't
know. I've booted mine
several times but I think the HD is crashed and I only have one boot-up
disk that doesn't do anything. Other than that, I know next to nothing
about the Lisa. Someday when I have 25 hours in a day, I'll finally be
able to sit down and play with it.
Yeah... I'm hoping to have some time this summer to play with my new toy.
I went through a bit of trouble (but not too much expense) to aquire the
system, so it's pretty important to me. It's going to get the desk that
is currently home to my beloved (and souped-up) Amiga 500. I'm really
really hoping to get my hands on the Pascal Workshop and practice my
Pascal skills once again. The Lisa is one of those antiques micros that's
still quite usable for doing stuff (like a C64 or a tricked-out CoCo) and
I plan to put the machine to use.