Chris M wrote:
the talk of a peculiar USR pc made me remember this.
There used to be a (primarily) electronic junk store
in LI called Eldies (Edlies?) on Hempstead Tnpk in
Levittown I guess. Sitting there one day was an all in
one, IIRC, NCR unit that booted up to an a:> prompt.
It struck me as a weirdish dos semi compatible. It
didnt strike me as a PC4 or the nearly identical
Decision Mate (cpm). Pretty sure it was NCR, but eh
maybe it was NEC (definately NOT an APC, not quite
that big and heavy). Anyone have a clue?
The Japanese NEC PC-9800 series booted with A: as the boot drive even if
it booted off a hard disk. the floppies would become the next drives.
Was the text in japanese?
I did software development on some of these models back around 1990. All
the M$ tools were available for them, but only from Japanese dealers and
only in Japanese.
Tim Riker - - TimR at
Embedded Linux Technologist -
BZFlag maintainer - - for fun!