Does anyone on this list know anything about a machine I've just rescued?
It claims to be a 'Computer Automation' Naked Mini, and mine appears
(alas) to be incomplete
I have the 4U rack case, the backplane, frontpanel (which seems to use
membrane switches and LEDs), CPU board (At least I assume that's what it
is - it's got some 74x181 ALU chips on it) and 2 core memory boards.
The PSU is missing, but even so I think it was worth saving. I guess I
can hack something together.
I have no docs on this at all, so any info would be welcome. I don't fancy
working it all out my own.
Talking of docs, does anyone have a copy of the I/O reference manual (or
whatever the title is) for the HP9100 calculator? This manual was written
for people who wanted to interface non-HP peripherals to the HP9100 (HP's
first ever calculator), and contains hardware info on the connector on the
back of that machine - info that's not in the operation/programming
I'd be interested in any info on that I/O port - I want to try a few
The gates in my computer are AND,OR and NOT, not Bill