Has anybody experience and instructions how to replace aging and breaking p=
lastic parts.
I would prefer replacement with metal parts not to repeat the problem later=
As do I, unless there re reasons it has to be plastic (for example
electrical instulation)
The problem is in parts like sledges etc. but not in
running mechanics.
Any tools=2C methods etc. recommendations are welcome.
It depends -- a lot -- on what uou are trying to make.
Some parts can be cut from sheet metai with hand tools (the drive sled,
for example may be able to be made from 2 pieces of metal stached on on
top of the other, the top one a bit smaller.
As regards machie ntools, a lathe is useful for making cylindrical parts
(spacers, spindles, etc), a milling machine for pars with flat faces
(e.g. putting the 'step' around the side of a drive sled. Some small
lathes can be used for small milling operations too, for example by
adding a vertical slide.
Be warned that using machine tools can be a hobby in itself :-)
Unfortunately my experience is more on the electronics
I would see the replacement work as a nice hobby but I need the skills and =
tools first.
Hmm... I would start by reading a few books on model engineering, small
lathe use, etc, just to see if it's the sort of thing you want to get
into. Then maybe consider buying a small lathe (a good one is not small
in price!) and learning to use it. Don't epxect to buy a machine tool and
turn out replacement parts for your classic computers the same day -- or
even the same month!