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From: Peter Dick <peter at>
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2020 4:34 PM
To: jwest at
Subject: RSTS/E has just had its 50th Birthday...
Hi. I stumbled on your wonderful
PDP11.ORG website.
As I expect you know, RSTS was ?born? on 11th June 1970 as shown when you print DATE$(1%)
with Star Date format selected.
This means RSTS/E, the Greatest Operating System ever, has just turned 50 years old.
We would like to mark this historic moment by collecting a total of 50 memories from those
of us who used RSTS/E at some time, obviously the earlier the better. Or if you are still
running old Basic Plus code, then the later the better! I will then collate these
memories and email them out to everyone who takes part.
What memories? It doesn?t matter. Funny / technical / life changing / surprise / show
how times have changed / whatever ?
Length? It doesn?t matter. Your name will be included but not your email address unless
you specifically want it included.
Please email contributions to 50years at <mailto:50years at>
Peter Dick, ex Chairman DECUS UK RSTS SIG.