In message <60584864-6333-11D8-8EA6-000393C5A0B6(a)>
Ron Hudson <ron.hudson(a)> wrote:
Probably Through hole, wire wrap - as that would allow
the greatest
number of us to play.
I'd probably use Veroboard and a "wiring pen".
I bodged one using an expired
Berol "Handwriting" pen (the red things), a chunk of thick copper wire from
one of the cores in an offcut of mains wiring cable (the stuff that's
designed to go inside walls) and a small reel of "Roadrunner" green 38swg
enamelled copper wire. The tip is the standard Berol tip, drilled out with a
0.8mm tungsten carbide drill bit. Much fun.
I think I got the idea from one of the pages on <>;
plenty of good stuff on there, even if most of it is in Japanese.
isn't meant to be discouraging. I'm all for the idea, as long
as it's not based on a <!-- piece of crap architecture designed by
retarded monkeys --> PIC.
Main goals - simple + cheap. PIC's are special
purpose aren't they?
Microcontrollers. See <>. I
use them a lot - they
make nice little protocol converters, LED flashers, basically anything that
doesn't need to do a great deal of high speed numbercrunching. Yes, the
banks/pages/locations architecture is a bit of a pig, but it's not (that) bad
once you get used to it.
Now, if anyone REALLY wants to flame me, I used a GAL in my "pre-prototype"
6502 computer (really just an LED chaser thing that could do basic math). A
GAL as in "generic array logic", a reprogrammable PLD. Well, it saved laying
out half a dozen 74LS chips on the breadboard 8^)
Phil. | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
philpem(a) | ViewFinder, 10BaseT Ethernet, 2-slice, | 48xCD, ARCINv6c IDE, SCSI
... ASCII and ye shall receive.