Am 15.09.14 21:59, schrieb JP Hindin:
I've got no idea where anything is in here and
I'm having my doubts I can
break the epoxy away without destroying any exposed wiring for the
Usually the quartz is at the pin 1 half and the battery is at the other.
File the top of the battery part of the resin down until you get to the
battery. Work your way into the resin flat from top to bottom. You will
get to the + pole of the battery. There is a spot welded lead from the
top of the battery going 90 degrees around down into the resin. You can
prepare it with a cutter or with a Dremel like tool and a very small
milling head. I use a broken 0.6 mm drill for this. Once you freed
enough of the + lead cut it loose from the battery at the top, solder a
wire to it and cover it with hot glue. Connect the - pole of the new
battery to the GND pin of the chip. I leave the dead battery in place. I
never had any problems with leakage from lithium coin cells.
It sounds more complicated then it is. If you did it once you will know
where everything is. If you do it again you will get it done much
faster. For me this surgery is a matter of minutes.