On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, James Fogg wrote:
Do you have a PC? Apple does (or did) offer the
OS's on their website,
and there were instructions about how to use various PC based programs
to write them in a Mac 800K format from a PC drive.
Somewhere I have the images and software because I've had to do this
Fred Cisin wrote:
I'd LOVE to hear from anybody who is
successfully formatting and writing
GCR with a PC (without adding in a "flux transition" based additional disk
controller (such as Catweasel or COPYII Option Board))
It is "impossible". (VERY difficult)
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Jim
Leonard wrote:
Writing? Yes. Reading? Not if you emulate a floppy
controller with your
parallel port. Google "disk2fdi" for a working program.
Disk2fdi is, indeed, remarkable.
(BTW, it does NOT appear to "emulate a floppy controller with your
parallel port"; It appears to be sampling the raw data lines of a disk
controlled by a normal FDC, and using the parallel port to provide some
of the functionality of a "flux transition" board)
Producing a version of it that can WRITE will add a few more
serious complications.
But I still don't believe that APPLE ever provided a way for a
PC to format and write 800K GCR.