On 07/01/2010 18:46, dwight elvey wrote:
> Sorry, it's the 8708/2708. There's a
seller on eBay selling a bunch
> of Tesla (Czech) NOS 8708s. Since I wasn't familiar with the part
> and any web searches brought me to the 2708 datasheet, I wondered if
> there was some practical reason for the difference in part numbering.
for the 8708 see in: Intel 8080 System Manual.pdf
for the 2708 see in: C-160 mem Design Hndbk_May77.pdf
There doesn't seem to be any spec difference.
Dwight's right. I meant to check last night, but I just looked in my
Intel 1976 and 1979 Data Catalogs.
In the 1976 edition, the 2708 is listed in the EPROMs section while the
8708 is listed in the MCS-80 section. The only differences in the data
are that the 2708 gives slightly more information, including "typical"
values for some parameters. In the 1979 edition, they're listed on the
same pages, ie there's one entry for 2708/8708 in the EPROM section and
one entry for i2708/i8708 in the Industrial section (and on entry for
M2708 -- no 8708 -- in the Military section). The 2708/8708 entry
explicitly says "All 8708 specifications are identical to the 2708
specifications". I suspect they just gave it an alternate number to fit
the 8080 family.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York