Actually several other pins are active. The token ring card can tell
when no cable is installed, so there are at least 2 cable detect pins.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jochen Kunz" <jkunz at>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
<cctalk at>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Apollo stuff
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:57:21 -0500
"Director" <csmuseum at> wrote:
The Apollo cards I have have a strange connector.
It appears to have
two coax and a half dozen wires in a DB form factor.
It is called a 7W2
I did not get any cables, so I have no idea what
connections are
actually used.
Only the two coax connectors are used. They are simply ring in and
You connect ring out of one machine to ring in of the next until you
closed the ring. The cables are 75 ohm RG59.
I can't see how you could use a modern TR
cable with that since it was
4 wire shielded twisted pair. F connectors would imply coax.
TR != ATR. Apollo
Token Ring is a thing of its own, not compatible with
the Token Ring that IBM and a few others used.